Good news! Using helpwise rules you can automate your inboxes smartly and let Helpwise do the things for you.

We receive hundreds of emails every day and it is hard to manage them manually but Helpwise rules allow you to automate them and decrease your overhead.

Helpwise rules can reply, archive, trash, spam, assign, unassign, etc for you automatically. This will save your time and definitely help you to increase your productivity.

How to create a rule?

How does rules work?

Rules let you create an automated workflow by adding filters with AND/OR operator where “AND” is for compulsory conditions and “OR” is used for optional Condition.

For instance , if an inbound message is from “” and contains “Help” in the body then the rules will automatically send an auto reply, apply tag support and assign the conversation to “Claudia“.


If you’d like to learn more about rules, feel free to book a demo with our product expert using this link